Overcoming Procrastination Online Course

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About Course

“Welcome to the coaching program on “Overcoming Procrastination – The Art of Getting Things Done Now.”
In this coaching program you are going to become more aware of your procrastination habits, learn to stop them in their tracks, and replace them with healthier, more productive habits. Because once you break your habit of putting things off, a whole new world of productivity opens up for you. Your actions become more rewarding, your relationships become more fulfilling, and your overall optimism spikes dramatically!

Here is what you will cover in this program:

  • Why you procrastinate.
  • Warning signs of procrastination.
  • Indicators of when procrastination is showing up in your life.
  • Specific, custom strategies for you to call upon when you feel like procrastinating.

Your journey begins with Module #1 and looking at where procrastination shows up in your life.”

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What Will You Learn?

  • Why you procrastinate.
  • Warning signs of procrastination.
  • Indicators of when procrastination is showing up in your life.
  • Specific, custom strategies for you to call upon when you feel like procrastinating.

Course Content

Module #1 – The Procrastination Monster
In this coaching program you are going to become more aware of your procrastination habits, learn to stop them in their tracks, and replace them with healthier, more productive habits. Because once you break your habit of putting things off, a whole new world of productivity opens up for you. Your actions become more rewarding, your relationships become more fulfilling, and your overall optimism spikes dramatically!

  • Lesson 1.1
  • Lesson 1.2
  • Lesson 1 Debrief Questions
  • Lesson 1.3

Module #2 – The Signs of Procrastination
According to psychologist Clarry Lay, a prominent writer on procrastination, he says that procrastination occurs when there’s: ‘A time gap between intended behavior and enacted behavior’ When we are procrastinating, we fill this in-between time with behaviors that reflect three clear warning signs. Let’s look at what these warning signs are.”

Module #3 – Strategies to Overcome Procrastination
“Welcome to Module #3 of the coaching program on “Overcoming Procrastination.” “You have accomplished a lot in this program by… - Becoming more aware of how you have procrastinated in your life, - Discovering the top reasons why people procrastinate, and - Learning the 3 top warning signs of procrastination and which of those signs you may exhibit. Now that you have a better understanding of why you procrastinate, and the warning signs to indicate that it is happening, it’s time to explore some effective strategies you can use to help to overcome it.”

Module #4 – Lock it In
“Welcome to the final module on “Overcoming Procrastination.” In this training you have: - Increased your awareness of how you have procrastinated in your life, - Discovered the top reasons why people procrastinate, - Learned the 3 top warning signs of procrastination and which of those signs you may exhibit. - Worked with the procrastination matrix and applied it to a circumstance in your own life. In the final activity of this program, you will choose an important message to hold onto as you continue to conquer the batter over procrastination.”