What’s Missing?
Are you running scared from that voice inside your head alwaystelling you “Not now.” “You’re not smart enough.” or “No one will read that
book you write.” “You can’t start a business?” “No one will love you!”

For years, I knew my dream was to be a speaker. I would get the nerve to try it out on occasion, but never consistently. I was always so nervous as to how other people would perceive me. I felt that everything needed to be perfect.Whenever opportunities would arise, deep down, my insecurities would begin to surface, and that little voice would have me focus on how I look and sound to people rather than the impact I might make in their lives with my message. Because of these feelings, I often shied away from opportunities to speak.After repeating this process over and over again, I decided to find out why was I scared. I watched so many other people live their lives as speakers who were less talented than I was. So why was I so scared? It was then I discovered the concept of the chicken mentality.
You see, that voice is the struggle in your head just like the one between the Eagle and the Chicken – characters from an extraordinary fable.

The Eagle represents your purpose and living your best life in your relationships, finances, career, etc. The Chicken embodies the events in your life that cause you to act in self-defeating ways. When your chickens are in charge, your dreams become deferred. When you’re in Eagle mode, you become master of your destiny!
This is where the Check Y.U.R. Chicken Boot camp and The Check Y.U.R. Dream to Reality: 90 Day Soul-ution come into play! What I discovered was that I had been trained to act and react to individual circumstances and situations from a child. My family, friends, society had influenced the way I thought about myself. We are always trying to fit in as human beings. What if you were meant to Stand OUT?
In looking at my own life, I discovered, I was meant to shine! I found out that I am enough where I am right now in my journey, and I can successfully prepare for my future success by checking my Chicken! I went from no regular speaking engagements to speaking at eight conferences AND creating seven conferences of my own in one year! I began to live my life with boldness and conviction. The freedom and joy of fulfilling my dreams are so phenomenal that I decided I had to share my secrets to success!
I am super excited because one of my favorite talents is being able to connect with you sharing concrete ways you can challenge how you’re thinking. Then you can put that self-defeating mindset behind you and start unapologetically Living Your Best Life!
So now you must ask yourself – how often do you Check Y.U.R. Chicken? (the Y.U.R. is Why You Are acting like a chicken). Once you do, you’ll know just how Chicken you are. You will be able to arm yourself with the necessary tools to defeat it no matter which chicken flavor of the day you epitomize.

Perhaps you’re the Rotisserie Chicken – doing the same thing over and over with no favorable results.

Maybe you’re the Boneless Chicken – no spine or backbone to go after the things in life you know you deserve. Once either of these or several other types of chickens are in charge, your dreams will be stifled or put on hold. So how long are you going to let these chickens distract you from living your best life?
My programs that will get you solidly on your path to success, joy, and fulfillment are: Check Y.U.R. Chicken Bootcamp and Check Y.U.R. Chicken Dream to Reality: 90 Day Soul-ution.Get ready to start and maintain your life of freedom, abundance, and joy! Get your chickens in check so that your passion and purpose shine
through. Make the world a better place because you showed up Powerfully!See what program works best for you, and I will see you in Success!
Let’s Talk
Procrastination is the killer of dreams.To schedule a consult with me please click below:
Schedule ConsultationConsults Unlimited INC.
1324 Forest Ave. Suite 183Staten Island, NY 10302
Office Hours
M-F 12:00PM – 9:00PM