Lighting Your Fire: Sparking Your Inner Motivation (Online Course)

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About Course

“Welcome to the coaching program on the “Lighting Your Fire! – Sparking Your Inner Motivation to Reach Your Goals and Change Your Life.”
In this program you will discover the influences in your life that light your fire, and douse it (and how to avoid them). You will also learn how to rekindle your flames, find your inner strength and achieve the things that matter most.

What Will You Learn?

  • ▪ What motivation is and how it works,
  • ▪ Those influences that can diminish or extinguish your motivation,
  • ▪ A process for re-establishing and sustaining motivation once again.

Course Content

Module #1: “Creating a Fire” – A Way to Define Motivation
“Welcome to the coaching program on the “Lighting Your Fire! – Sparking Your Inner Motivation to Reach Your Goals and Change Your Life.”

  • Lesson 1.1
  • Debrief Questions 1.1
  • Lesson 1.2

Module #2: My Motivation Sparks
Welcome to Module #2 where you continue your exploration of motivation by identifying what lights your fire.

Module #3: A Successful Fire
“Welcome to Module #3 of the coaching program on “Lighting Your Fire – Sparking Your Inner Motivation to Reach Your Goals and Change Your Life.”

Module #4: The Flame Subsides
“Welcome to Module #4 of the coaching program on “Lighting Your Fire – Sparking Your Inner Motivation to Reach Your Goals and Change Your Life.”

Module #5: Rekindling the Fire
“Welcome to Module #5 of the coaching program on “Lighting Your Fire – Sparking Your Inner Motivation to Reach Your Goals and Change Your Life.”

Module #6 – Lock it in
“Welcome to Module #6 of the coaching program on “Lighting Your Fire – Sparking Your Inner Motivation to Reach Your Goals and Change Your Life.”

Webinar Replay